Educational Resources
itrek's Educational Resources are designed to help Leaders and Educators facilitate meaningful on-the-ground Israel experiences. As an itrek Leader, you have exclusive access to our Processing Resources, itrek Talk Cards, and Art Cards.

Processing Resources
itrek Processing Resources offer best practices, detailed activities and professional instructions for creating impactful processing opportunities during the Israel Trek.
itrekTalk Cards
itrekTalk Cards provide tools to equip Leaders and Educators in meaningfully engaging with their participants. They offer useful prompts that will inspire participants to formulate insights about their Israel Trek. These insights enable participants to apply what they’ve learned to their daily lives and studies.

October 7th Art Cards
The October 7th Art Cards allow Leaders and participants to reflect on their time in Israel and process their emotions, thoughts and insights through art. Experiences on the Israel Trek can render people speechless. In these moments, art can stimulate one’s imagination and creativity and encourage self-expression.